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I document the best of -  entertainment-travel- food- beauty & style…

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Carpe Diem~

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Rohan - Marley- RoMarley Beach House

Rohan - Marley- RoMarley Beach House

I have always had a love for travel! I started to travel at an early age, thanks to my parents. I remember as a child, in one year, I went to Disney World two times, and Disney Land, that's three trips to Disney in one year, and that was unheard of in the '70s for most Black families unless you were well off, and by NO means were we well off. I had two working-class parents who loved to experience different things. Well, my dad liked to more so than my mom. I will say as a child, all of my travel was domestic, but once I became an adult, I ventured to other countries.

I genuinely believe that it is life-changing for children to see and experience other cities, states, countries, and continents! It makes you want more; it's a true natural high! When I’m not traveling, I watch a whole lot of travel shows. It brings peaceful happiness, I can't explain. During the pandemic, travel tv was my comfort zone.

So, When I heard Rohan Marley opened a hotel in one of my favorites countries, Mexico, I had to speak with him about his new venture, and if there’s a plan to open other hotels, possibly, and hopefully one in Jamaica. I also wanted to speak with him about his family-owned coffee company, Marley coffee, and how it feels to be a son of The Legendary Bob Marleys. Rohan lived in New Jersey for a while, and I could hear his Jersey/Jamaican accent. He also shares five children with the Magnificent and talented Lauryn Hill. I asked my cousin Hakim Bell to join me on the interview. Hakim’s dad also happens to be a Legend, Mr. Robert "Kool" Bell of the group Kool & the Gang.

I thank Rohan for his time; it was a blast speaking with him, and I also want to thank Hakim, who is one of the DOPEST DJs spinning his way around the world, and be on the lookout for Hakim's new Podcast experience coming soon.



Thank you all for following and supporting me.

Love is Life, and Life is love.

~Stacey Anderson

Richard Lawson

Richard Lawson